Aware and Unfolding

A Mountain against a blue sky with a lake below.

1-1 iRest® sessions for women and non-binary folx

*Note, all sessions are currently remote and conducted over Zoom!

iRest® is a well researched, meditative practice with ancient roots in the  non-dual tradition of Kashmiri Shaivism that can support you in navigating the challenges of life and enhance a sense of peace and well-being from within. While many practice iRest® through recorded meditations, the beauty of a 1-1 session is that it is personalized and focused on your direct experience.


Some come for sessions because they are stressed and struggling and looking to learn ways to center and ground themselves amidst challenges. Others come as they are navigating a life transition and needing a space to safely unwind and feel through sticky emotions and beliefs. Some want to step into deep inner knowing about a decision they need to make and gain clarity from within. Others are interested in deepening or starting a meditation practice and want more support. 


If you’re a new client, we start with 3 sessions so that we can develop a foundation to support your unique experience. Returning clients are welcome to book a session package or to schedule single sessions as needed.


Curious if it will be a good fit? Send me a message and let’s hop on a quick (free) call to connect and answer your questions.

New Clients- 3 sessions, $555 USD

Returning Clients, single session $185 USD

Sessions are 55 minutes and must be used within one month of purchase.

Please note, I am a meditation teacher. I am NOT a therapist or medical professional and I DO NOT diagnose or treat.

Ready to Book? Have a few more questions?

Follow me on Insight Timer for Free Meditations

A Note on the Lineages I study, practice, and offer from~

I have practiced and studied many different forms of meditation, most intensely iRest® yoga nidra (a secular form of meditation with ancient roots in Kashmiri Shaivism), Atma Vichara, and the teachings of Advaita Vedanta. My offerings draw primarily from these traditions which are both secular and spiritual. Although the forms may vary slightly, what they have in common is their focus on internal investigation, welcoming, and the direct experience of your own inner truth. This is paramount in my work and offerings. Should you like to learn more about iRest® please click here.

Please note that I am a meditation teacher. I am NOT a therapist or medical professional and I DO NOT diagnose or treat.